Saturday, September 24, 2011


Two weeks ago I was invited to participate in 30 consecutive days of yoga.  My dear friend, who lives half way across the country, explained that she, her daughter, her sister-in-law, and her niece were entering in this endeavor and would I like to join.  This invitation was the act of kindness I received.  And, as is so often the case, when kindness is given it begets kindnesses.

In this last week I have taught yoga to unknowing teenagers.  An asana (pose) here, an asana there.  The act of standing firm (mountain pose) and then reaching straight up and then rising up on tip toes with careful inhalations and exhalations, brings one to center or leads one to step to keep balance.  Still, being more aware of oneself in the now happens even briefly.

The women with whom I'm sharing this practice and I have engaged in ongoing communication about our experiences.  We share when chair pose leads to burning in the thighs and more deeply we share that shavasana or corpse pose, is about all we can muster in a day.

This week, as we share this yoga experience we are also sharing with one another in a rather sacred space and time in one woman's journey as she helps ease her father from this world to the great beyond.
I've attempted to listen to my friend's experiences of a more vast yogic practice of awareness, presence in a way that honors her every breath and her father's final breaths.  I believe the commitment to engaging with my friend and her relatives (new in my life though not quite strangers) in daily yoga and sharing the details of our lives through writing creates a circle of continuous opportunity for kindness amongst us and beyond just us.  I honor my dear friend in this difficult time and feel great gratitude for the yoga we are experiencing together and sharing with others.

The yoga will continue as Betsy and I head into our last blogging week of Z!  I can't believe it is now the week of Z!!!!!   Look out zebras, here I come!


  1. I have been practicing Yoga for several years now, and like you, I also did yoga almost every day for 30 days. It was a wonderful experience. I also found that after I do yoga, it is so much easier to be kind. Congratulations on making it this far in your blogging.

  2. Thank you very much!


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