Saturday, October 1, 2011


Zounds!  This is the last posting for this ABCs of Kindness adventure!  Time flies.  And this was fun!  Many thanks to Betsy for inviting me to share it with her from z beginning to z end!  It was a privilege to write about how kindness matters.  Also thanks to anyone and everyone who read part or all of our bits.  I've indulged in another, the last, of my longer entries.

Now for this week of Zs I've become overwhelmed by all the Z words and associations with kindnesses which just happened in a relatively organic way.  To begin this Z week I went to a website I've come to enjoy called The Phrontistery (a thinking place).  This website highlights unusual words beginning with specified letters.  I do want to share some fun, seemingly random Z words.  Zarf - an ornamental holder for hot coffee cup.  I put this in for Betsy, the coffee fanatic.  Zebrinny- offspring of male horse and female zebra.  Zyzzyva (is this one great?)- a South American weevil.  Zenography - the study of Jupiter.  Zizal - a chipmunk.  Zoolatry - excessive devotion to animals or pets.  Zoopathology - the study of animal diseases.

Now these last two Z words actually do relate to my small attempt at acts of kindness within a day, Thursday of this week because Rowdy (see below), Service Dog for Therapy, needed to spend a day at the Animal Hospital/Emergency Vet for a planned day of diagnostic testing with multiple specialists.  I spent some time thinking about what the continuum for zoolatry is and how one might determine what is excessive.  I also spent time awaiting word on zoopathology related to Rowdy's gut.  

With that time I did a lot of observing of others as well as some reading and a little television viewing. The day began at 7 a.m. when Rowdy and I arrived in order to be first in line for the cardiologist.  This specialist also used his ultrasound technology to provide a preliminary look at Rowdy's intestines. Communication with GI specialist, Rowdy's primary provider at this hospital took place.  After this, time to wait.

We waited in the car and inside.  When inside, I actually saw a beautiful baby zebra on the Today Show being broadcast on the waiting room television.  (How convenient for this blog.) She had such large dark eyes and big eye lashes and striking stripes.  More waiting.  I read an article in our state's monthly magazine about the best sweets/pastries around.  Zeppoles were featured.  I decided upon a future act of kindness with these delicious Italian delicacies.  The next time I'm in the neighborhood where the bakery is that features the best zeppoles in the state, I'll buy 1/2 dozen and suggest that they be given away at random to unsuspecting but pastry seeking customers.

Next came the radiologist's first go at an ultrasound of Rowdy's belly.  That was over quickly and the radiologist explained she would share results with Rowdy's doc, the GI specialist.  More waiting.  The GI doc found us outside walking and shared the good news and the concerning news which meant the need for another more specific ultrasound with sedation of the spleen.  More waiting.

During this next spell of waiting I went to grab lunch and purchased two large tubs of chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal raisin cookies to add some potentially flavorful zest into the lives of the many working in the animal hospital.  They were received without fanfare and I hope, enjoyed in the back recesses in the staff room.    I then sat down for more observation of the comings and goings of dogs on chemo therapy, cats with diabetes, senior animals and younger mischievous types who got into something.  Each time animals and their people were reunited there was a great deal of zeal in the way they joined up.  Tails wagging, petting, high pitched voices, laps of love and important medical information imparted about needs for ongoing care etc.  As the day went on I had zero question about the dedication of all whom I witnessed working with these animals and their people.  It was impressive.

Rowdy is still in the midst of being diagnosed.  The specialists have narrowed down that there is a part of his intestine that is not functioning properly.  The reasons for this are unclear.  Some more discussion and decision making is in order.  Zoolatry- excessive devotion to animals or pets.  I'm not sure if it is possible to be excessively devoted, not after observing a day in the life of this emergency animal hospital.  Sure, one has to be able to afford the care and that's no small expense.  But who is to say that supporting a healthy life, a quality life for an animal is not worthwhile?  It is a tricky question given all that is going on in the world and all the ways kindness must be extended in order to help make the world a more peaceful place.

These thoughts infiltrated my day this week and will continue to be amidst my thoughts as I commit to taking care of Rowdy so that he can continue to provide unconditional regard in his work for those who are a part of care at a psychiatric hospital.  Meanwhile, this weekend I believe I'll make some baked ziti for a friend who just moved or for my friend's parents who are struggling with cancer.  And maybe I'll make some zucchini bread for neighbors or those at work.  No matter what, I remain committed to providing acts of kindness from A-Z.  I will also try to acknowledge those acts of kindness, large and small which I encounter from day to day!

May kindnesses abound for all you readers.
